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LimeWire Token (LMWR) Farming

Earn LMWR by posting about @limewire on X/Twitter
Sign in below to get started


Earn LimeWire Tokens (LMWR) by posting about @limewire on X/Twitter. The more engagement your tweets get, the more points you collect, and the higher you move up the leaderboard.

Scores are kept both monthly and yearly. Every month and every year, an LMWR airdrop will be awarded to the top 100 spots on the monthly and yearly leaderboards.

How To Collect Points

Every time you post a tweet and mention @limewire, our system will analyze the engagement on that tweet for 24 hours. The more views, likes, retweets, quotes and replies it gets, the more points are added to your score.

  • Views 1 point / view
  • Replies 10 points / reply
  • Retweets 12 points / retweet
  • Quotes 15 points / quote
Write Your Own Tweet Generate Tweet using AI

How Do I Know I Qualify For an Airdrop?

If you maintain a rank of #100 or lower on the monthly or yearly leaderboard, you qualify for the monthly or yearly airdrop. At the top right you will see a green checkmark or a red "x" icon, indicating whether or not you qualify for the respective airdrop. Hover your mouse or click the score section at the top right to see details.

Please note that if we suspect any participant of making use of bots or any similar methods of falsely acquiring points, we reserve the right to remove the associated participant from the competition.

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